понедельник, 7 октября 2013 г.

ADBokaT57 ModPack

САЙТ МОДПАКА: http://www.adbokat57.ru
ПОДДЕРЖКА МОДПАКА: http://www.adbokat57.ru/support

34 комментария:

  1. спасибо за моды) добавьте иконки танков побыстрее) а то без них как то не комфортно :)

    1. Как только автор их обновит, сразу добавлю)

    2. Много уважаемый сергей, не могли бы вы пожалуйста скинуть мне ваш конфиг, просто очень люблю находить что-то новое, и хотелось бы сделать это новое на основе вашего конфига,
      P.S Заранее благодарен.

  2. Спасибо за сборку)
    P.S. а можно ли ожидать в сборке NoScroll мод?

  3. Спасибо огромное за модпак))))

  4. Как рейтинг сменить с WN8 на обычный РЭ?

    1. скачай отдельно мод статистики в ангаре..на сайте,где скачаешь будет написано куда кинуть..подтвердишь слияние и замену файлов..всё совместимо и нормально работает!(как минимум у меня=) )

  5. Простите, а можно отдельно выложить в zip архиве? Просто инсталяшка сделана в другой кодировке, для русских, а у меня винда английская. в итоге одни каракули. Спасибо

  6. спасибо за мод. одно НО угн для сау с башней - уберите пожалуйста... линия не заканчивается и мешает...

  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z7jvfuw8mil60ce/shot_005.jpg
    Что это могло бы значить установил на чистый клиент?

  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtzwjsp3ypd88ci/shot_006.jpg
    вот что происходит при переходе в исследования и в ангар

  9. Ответы
    1. т.е. ты не выбирал моды, а ставил как по-стандарту выбрано?

  10. хотелось бы увидеть в сборке цветовые пробития

  11. Hey man, I don't know if you understand english and I really do not understand any russian, but I enjoy your modpack a lot.
    I have one problem since 9.0. The minimap circles do not display anymore.
    I have activated them in your installer and checked the tankranges.xc and minmapCircles.xc but I just can't find a solution to make them come back.

    1. So, you checked "Автоматические круги обзора на миникарте" thing and circles still won't show up? Try to install mods as them setted by default and tell if there is no circles on the map.
      There one more file that needs res_mods\0.9.0\scripts\client\currentvehicle.pyc

    2. meh... now I need to make eng version too lol

    3. I have tried other xvm versions and every one of them exept yours shows the circles. I even replaced your minimap files and the currentverhicle.pyc with the ones from other modpacks but none of them seem to work with the rest of your config.

      Then I proceeded to delete res_mods and install everything clean and only your modpack but the circles still won't show up.

    4. Can you make screenshot of your ingame screen?

    5. These nonsense symbols coz of coding, If you want to see normal ones you may go to: Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Administration -> Change Language for Unicode-incompatible programs to Russian & restart computer. And after get help from google-translate ;)

    6. I am afraid this will be a bit longer

      First, thank you with the Language part, that was really helpful, although I had to use OCR-Software because Windows couldn't copy the text next to the checkboxes.

      Back to my problem:
      I redownloaded the modpack (I was using version 2.0.1) and installed it with no other mods in res_mods. The installLog can be found here:
      or here

      - "Автоматические круги обзора на миникарте" was checked as you can see

      - Ingame screenshots:
      (I reinstalled the modpack, there are no ratings, this is intentional)

      Timer (note that the minimap is the default one, after 30 seconds it changes):

      Minimap during gameplay:

      Bigger Minimap:

      - I think I found another problem, one of the options says(according to the 'ocr' program) "Отключение дрожания динамической камеры",roughly translated into "deactivates dynamic camera"

      - I unchecked this one, because I like that little shake when shooting, and during the replay the dynamic camera was deactivated

      - I thought that, because since you created the installer I have problems, how about you install the modpack on your pc (maybe even with my options enabled) and upload res_mods and post the link here so that I can download that and try it with my pc

      - Thank you for helping me fixing the problems and keep up the good work with the modpack and the youtube channel

      Greetings, CBS1 from EU.

    7. 'Timer (note that the minimap is the default one, after 30 seconds it changes)'
      It's okay, I have to update xvm (coz it's fixed in new vers) but new version kills some mods, and Im lazy to fix this

      replays record how cam doing during battle and if you had disabled dynamic cam it recorded as it was in the battle, click on mouse to activate free view, you will see shaking

      Rating must be activated on the xvm site
      Log in and press activate

      Main problem: the thing is that I don't really know why it won't work on yours, I can guess it's coz how non-ru windows encodes my configs or how eu client works, also I have no stuff to repeat that bug and try to fix.

      Mods with your options: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9a88b4uhb3v9mgv

    8. One more thing: try to install modpack with unchecked "Автоматические круги обзора на миникарте" - it should install only 445m circle and 1km square, but Im not sure because I don't see lines from tank and cam direction, weird.

      Also we might find better place for conversation ;)

    9. Okay, nothing worked :/
      And as you said it, I am not able to see the cam direction aswell when installing it.

      BUT I found a very simple solution and I am not sure why was not able to find I out earlier. I downloaded an HD minimap mod.
      (by locastan: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/95330-090-locastans-enh-hd-minimap-gen-3/ )
      It overrides your xvm/ minimap and now it works *-*
      I only get the 445m and the square but I have them at least.

      The rest of the modpack works perfectly fine, thank you very much for your help and for providing the pack.
      Communiaction wise, for any further conversation you can find me on the eu forum as 'CBS1' or on Reddit as 'Khaost'.

  12. An english version would be very helpful, because (atleast my) windows 8.1 displays the installer like this http://i.imgur.com/dLsWXGE.jpg and I only know what I am doing because you included pictures :)
    (some of the configuration at the bottom does not show any pics :o)

    If you really consider creating an english version I would volunteer to proofread the english stuff :) (If you need it)

  13. парни запилите твикер а то фпс просел

  14. Много уважаемый сергей, не могли бы вы пожалуйста скинуть мне ваш конфиг, просто очень люблю находить что-то новое, и хотелось бы сделать это новое на основе вашего конфига,
    P.S Заранее благодарен.

    1. Ставишь модпак выбрав что нужно и развлекайся с кофигами.

  15. Если у тебя тормозит твой компьютер или заражен вирусами, не запускается игра или не можешь запустить видео онлайн или еще какие проблемы пиши на скайп или в блог! Постараюсь помочь skype - kenjitsu1 блог - www.rulezit.blogspot.com
